Program & Sevices

Supporting People with Disabilities.

  • 16
    Experienced Team
  • 95
    Positive Rating

Ticket To Work

Create job opportunities for Ticketholders, SSI, and SSDI consumers to increase their financial independence.

Supported Employment (SE)

Find competitive, fair-wage jobs for individuals with disabilities and support.

Pre-Employment Transition (Pre-ETS)

Assist students with disabilities in their transition from high school to employment or further education.

DD Waiver Services

Services for individuals with Developmental Disabilities (DD) encompass various options to support their employment and community engagement.


Work Incentive Specialist Advocate

We provide Benefits and Work Incentives Counseling to clients who receive SSI, SSDI, or both. We assist clients to become employed and to understand the impact of income on their SSI and SSDI benefits. We have certified staff to serve as Work Incentive Specialist Advocate (WISA).


Encouraging - Engaging - Empowering


Bnafsh Inc. is committed to create employment opportunities for people with disabilities. We understand the value of diversity and inclusion in the workplace, and we are committed to creating a world where everyone can thrive. Bnafsh Inc. works to eliminate barriers, so that people with disabilities can get access to the community resources and fully participate in their communities.

  • Providing Equitable Services
  • 24/7 Support
Supporting People with Disabilities

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Our Diverse Range of Additional Services


We provide expert opinions, analysis, research, Monitoring and Evaluation, and recommendations to organizations or individuals, based on their own expertise.

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Our training programs are developed by our subject matter experts and a team of professional to help organizations and individuals improve their competence and skills, in order to achieve their goals.

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We are always available to adapt to every translation and interpretation need. We translate any documents, including legal documents, military documents, film scripts, and business contracts in different languages.

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Woodbridge, VA 22191

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We can not choose where to start and stop, our stories are the tellers of us.

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